Our Services

We provide therapy in a non-traditional setting; we combine classroom work alongside engaging with our equine partners, the outdoors, and recreational activities.

Equine Assisted Therapy

Riding Programs for Individuals

These classes are held at the same time, same day each week throughout the year. Clients may be on their own (30-min) or in a group of two (50-min). Our therapists build programming around each individual’s needs and goals.

  • Wranglers

    Riders with ability to sit without core assistance.

  • Buckaroos

    Riders who require core assistance to sit upright.

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

Therapy focused on mental health, emotional health, self-management, and social skills.

These groups meet for 90 minutes weekly for 8-12 weeks. There are 4-6 individuals per group, each with similar goals and in a similar stage of life. There is little to no riding involved, as we combine equine groundwork skills with classroom projects and discussions.

  • Mane Escape

    Focusing on anxiety, depression, and trauma, these groups are split by stage of life.

  • Life Skills

    Focusing on emotion management, coping skills, and social skills, these groups are split by stage of life.

  • Self-Management

    Focusing on coping skills, emotion management, stress management, life balance, and more. This group is adults only.

  • Eating Disorders

    Focusing on coping with and healing eating disorders, this group is for young women ages 13-17.

Equine Assisted Learning

Programming for Mainstream & Special Education Classes, Community Groups, Siblings, and more!

Programs are 3 hours long, and may be scheduled weekly, monthly, or as needed!

We build the program for your group, and can work on the following areas: emotion management, teamwork, social skills, coping skills, job skills, nonprofit planning, equine knowledge and care, riding, learning about individuals with different abilities, and more!

  • Special Education Classes

    Open to any Special Education class, up to 16 students per visit.

  • Mainstream Classes

    Open to any mainstream class or extra-curricular (NHS, FFA, DECA, Career Tech), up to 50 students per visit.

  • Community Groups

    Open to any community group such as business teams, youth at risk, foster youth, support groups, or other nonprofits, up to 30 individuals per visit.

  • Siblings

    Open to siblings of individuals with different abilities! Split into child, teen, and adult groups.